0409 546 112‬

Event Theming

A complete range of bespoke event props, furniture, AV and theming decorations to make your event come to life.

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"We don’t follow theme trends, 
we create them."
Greg Erskine - Director
Events are all about creating an experience.

From the moment the guests first see the room to the moment where event design is in sync with the food and drinks. Its all has to work together.

This is where our expertise comes in.

We don’t follow the trends, we create them.

We design events and event theming that creates magic and provides your guests with a WOW factor moment.

We have our own in house design team and even our own prop builders so anything is possible.

From large scale corporate and school balls to shopping centre pop ups and everything in between we can help design the perfect event and the theme to match.

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